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About me...

I love photography.

I taught myself. I started with film and second hand Zenit SLR's in the 2000's, and eased myself into digital as it became more widespread.

I love black and white.

Strong contrasts and grain. Timeless. I relish stripping the colour from an image and plunging it into dark and light.

I love colour.

Cross-processed, oversaturated, false colours bring otherwise boring images to life kicking and screaming.

I love projects.

When I get an idea I can make a series from is when I am most happy with my photography. Extending an idea through 10 or 100 images, pushing myself to be more creative.

Enjoy the website. I have also authored and illustrated a couple of children's books, see if you'd like a good read.


For commissions, prints, prices or just to say hello, email

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